Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Sunday Morning Muse, July 12, 2009

I was musing about what would happen to Michael Jackson's brain, when I thought of a science fiction story I read years ago. Robert Heinlein's The Door Into Summer. The title of the book reportedly came from his wife, who made a remark about their cat.
He had opened the door for the cat to go outside, and it would not. It had snowed the night before. He tried several other doors and the cat still would not go outside. His wife told him that the cat hated snow, and he was waiting for the "door into summer."

I don't remember much about the rest of the story, something about taking a long, cold sleep and waking up in another time. It's actually a love story, because the man loves a 12 year old girl, and somehow they end up the same age when he wakes up...but I digress.

I read where Michael Jackson's brain is hardening as we speak so that it can be studied to determine the cause of death. I do not think there are plans right now to freeze his brain, or suspend him somehow cryogenically. But it sure would make for a great novel.

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