Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Sunday Morning Muse, August 16, 2009

The old people are the ones getting screwed. And the campaign by the insurance companies which sponsor these so called astroturf groups (ready made mobs, in my opinion) and fire up the extremists is pulling the country's attention away from solving REAL PROBLEMS.

It's a sad commentary on our society when our most vulnerable people... The Greatest Generation, get their money taken by insurance companies who make assurances they will be taken care of, and then when they need care, they can't get it. Right here in the U S of A.

This is what these Town Hall meetings should be about. How to fix it that our parents and grandparents aren't falling for Medicare HMO scams, or being denied coverage by INSURANCE COMPANIES who are in this for money... for their stockholders.

Think this is a partisan thing? Left versus right... us versus them? Get your kicks in now. You will be old someday. I hope you have money. Or a good job. And that your health stays good enough so that you can KEEP YOUR JOB. You will need it. A lot of If's in this world. It would be nice to know the elderly are taken care of. Medicare went a long way toward this. And Republicans faught that too.

Wanna play games like Sarah Palin, and the GOP party leaders, and the right wing talk show hate mongers instead? Lie to people. Call Obama a racist, question his birth, accuse him of putting death panels into health care plans to kill old people? Sure it makes for good TV.

But you will be old someday. By then your heart may not be so good. Pre-existing condition? Forgetttabout it. No health care for you! No money to pay? Sell your house. Sell your kid's house. No... they'll need to keep that, because you will have to move in with them because you can't afford the hospital co pay, or nursing home anyway.

I am ranting lately about healthcare, not because I have a problem. I am fortunate. I have a plan through my job. But I have seen neighbors and friends truly suffer.... physically, financially, and
emotionally because they either couldn't get insurance at all, or they got scammed into one of those Medicare HMO's who promise cheap premiums and great service...and basically deny you care when you really need it. Telling you what doctor to go to, which hospital you can stay in, and make rules that are so obscure and impossible to comprehend, that it boggles the mind. And it all looks reasonable when they sell it to you, but when you NEED your health care, you have to jump through several hoops to even TALK to someone from the insurance company let alone resolve your problem. Time and time again this happens. People are going bankrupt over health care bills. People are not getting the medication they need.

But you will be old someday. You'll care then. And remember when we had a chance to do the right thing and how it got ugly. How people turned against each other rather than worked together.
Isn't it better that we start NOW and try to fix this broken system? Or are you willing to roll the dice and bet that you will never be denied a liver transplant, or your family will never be dropped from coverage because you lost your job and can't afford Cobra insurance?

Forget the imaginary Death panels, people. Life without health insurance is far more scary.

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