Saturday, June 23, 2012

Asking for a Sign

I went to Millie's grave today. It was a whim. On the way home. I just wanted to see if the perennials came up. They did. Nothing was really blooming yet, but  the grave looked nice, and I was glad. 

I looked around the quiet cemetery. A gorgeous day. White puffy clouds, a blue sky....and that little
stream of sun streaming through the branches of a tree. And I thought: Millie, if you can, why don't you send me a sign?

The thought was there. You've had those thoughts haven't you? Mostly they are right after someone died. You still feel close to them, and you think....if there is a way...could they....would they contact me? And you remember Houdini and "Rosabelle... Believe."   (Mrs. Houdini kept trying for 10 years, wanting to hear from her husband. Nothing was proven.)

She later said after she herself died, anyone who claimed to hear from her would be a fraud, because when she dies, she will be gone for good.

So I was standing there at the grave, looking at that beam of light and I actually said it aloud. I was quiet, so that no one would think I was crazy, but I said, Millie, I really need to know right now if my life is on the right track. I need a sign from you. Anything will do. Something I will KNOW.

I left the cemetery, and went about my business for the day. Actually I completely forgot about Millie. I wasn't feeling well, and all my mental effort was in trying to make myself feel well enough to attend a party later in the day. Once there, of course I felt fine. I was enjoying the beautiful flowers, good company, and delicious food, and the music.

And then suddenly there it was.

The DJ, who had played Jimmy Buffett, 80's rock, and reggae music all afternoon, out of nowhere played
Brother Louie. From 1973. Looieeee looieeeee looieee, looo- weeeee!!! Millie hated that song. I even wrote a post, years ago, about how she hated that song. "What do you young people"see in this music????" She would exclaim.

This was my sign. It's the one and only song that screams MILLIE to me anytime I hear it. (which is seldom)
I can go YEARS without ever hearing that song.

Do I really believe in such things? That Millie is up there and can hear me? That somehow we do survive
life after death?Heck, I'm not sure of anything. But it did make me smile.

And I needed to let someone know about Brother Louie. The song Millie hated.

(Photo is Me and Millie. About 1970.)

1 comment:

suki said...

This post is FANTASTIC. Love it. Love it. Love it. And the picture is perfect. I love the story and love that Aunt Millie pulled through.
