Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday Morning Muse (rare)

The sun is up and the second cup of coffee is on the way.(I have switched to decaf tea for rest of day...morning coffee is still the standard drink though.) Home again today with a bug. Been sick for enough days now that the gig is up and the doctor visit is scheduled. Really, too much to do. Ain't nobody got time for that!

On the couch with the hot water bottle yesterday watching the news. Letters with ricin possibly in them sent to the White  House. Sheesh. They went on about how poisonous the seeds are and how someone can die by ingesting just a tiny bit of it.... and of course there I am with my stomach all upset and pepto bismal by
my side remembering just this past weekend I was planting castor bean seeds to grow the big beanstalks again this year.

Hmmph.  Well, I'd be dead by now if it was something from that.

It was more likely the "bad" turkey I ate this weekend or some random stomach virus going around making havoc with my innards.

I really need to research the plant better. It does say on the package they are poisonous, but they make castor oil out of castor beans and people eat that. Not with any pleasure mind you, but it is ingested by humans. So how does this all work?

On the news report they said you could eat a castor bean "whole" and it would go right through you with no
problem, mostly. is in the "processing" that it becomes so bad.  I have no idea what they do to process it and I don't want to know. What I do know is that it is a beautiful, tall beanstalk with huge leaves
we have enjoyed around the yard for more than 40 years. How could something so beautiful have become so terrible?

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