Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Sunday Morning Muse, September 13, 2009

Sweet Pea, my beloved little tuxedo cat, loves to hunt. So much, that in the winter when she doesn't get outside as much, she tore out most of her own fur out of frustration. Numerous vet visits were for not. It was anxiety. She couldn't get out and defend her territory. Even Prozac was offered for her, but I chose not to give it to her.

Then spring came, and the cat was outside more and all the fur grew back. Sweet Pea, just in the past month has killed three baby rabbits, several birds, mice, rats and moles that are too numerous to count. All promptly placed at my doorstep to admire and dispose of.

Which brings me to this weekend. Coming home from my birthday festivities, I open the front door and spot a mouse as I flipped on the light. YIKES what now! Then my next thought: I have the perfect solution! Sweet Pea will earn her keep. She LIVES for this.

I left the house overnight with her inside, came back in the morning expecting my present--and sheesh... nothing. A blank stare from the cat. Had she lost it?

She rolled over and I petted her anyway, all the time telling her we can't do this all day when there is a mouse to catch somewhere. And as if on cue... not 10 feet away from us...there it was! With quick feline agility she jumped up and sped after the mouse chasing him into my computer room. Aha, I thought. I'll shut the door and leave them both in there and it will be survival of the fittest.
An hour later I came back and slowly opened the door. There was Sweet Pea in the middle of the floor in the sun licking herself. And the mouse was under this very computer desk.
"Get the MOUSE! GET IT!!" I yelled at Sweet Pea. And I got no satisfaction. She wanted OUT OF THE COMPUTER ROOM, and wanted nothing to do with the mouse. Just yowled at me and headed for the door.
I resolved to remove this creature myself. It didn't look so frightening up close. Eventually I was able to get it into a tupperware and close the lid.
The crisis was over. With no help from the great hunter.

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