Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Tree (limb) Falls and No One Hears It

The two trees in the back yard are twins. They were planted at the same time about 20 years ago...I think they are locust trees. Well, they are twins no more. A huge limb came down yesterday in the rainstorm and the right tree looks so sad. I have to look for a picture of them taken in the fall with beautiful leaves. They were striking.
A lone Ginkgo tree stands between them. Straight and tall. It's the only tree the cat claws. There is a ring around it as high as the cat can reach. I remember when dad planted the Ginkgo many years ago. Mom actually grew if from seed. I think it will outlive both locusts.
There is a redwood tree on the near hill. Another locust tree split during a recent storm and sort of clipped it. I think the redwood will be all right. I've seen pictures of redwoods with big holes in them that Volkswagons could drive through. It's not mine though. My uncle planted it probably
40 years ago. He is long dead, and the property will no doubt be sold again to someone who doesn't care enough to save it. I'll plead a case, and hope the tree stays another 40 years. After that I'll be dead too, so it won't matter much.
For now, I can try to save the damaged locust in my backyard. It may make it. There is probably gunk I can put on the wound to help the tree heal once I figure out how to get the cracked limb down and dragged off.

It's worth mentioning that my neighbor actually jinxed the tree. Literally the day before we were outside drinking beer talking about other people in the neighborhood who have huge trees
that have come down recently or were in danger of coming down. He pointed to my twin locusts
and said it will be expensive when those come down.
I scoffed that they will be there awhile yet. Not to worry. Then the very next day we lost
a good third of the tree.
It was odd. Really.

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