Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Sunday Morning Muse, February 3, 2008

If I had to count how many I have, I'd be here all day. Each week I get 10 or 12 more plastic bags from Walmart and I keep shoving them inside more bags and more bags --and now my pantry closet is stuffed full of bags. So.... I bought the new canvas style grocery bag today... and I vow to buy one every week...(they are only a buck), and this way in just a few weeks time I can carry all my groceries home without adding to my plastic bag collection, and at the same time contributing my small part to *NOT* sending out more plastic bags into the already polluted environment. Simple.
And guess what? The bonus is, I really LIKE these Walmart canvas bags. They are thin, yet sturdy...and I've used them to lug other stuff back and forth to other places already.
If you haven't heard about the Giant Garbage Ball.... read on... Maybe you will think twice and start buying reusable bags, too.
An enormous island of trash twice the size of Texas is floating in the Pacific Ocean somewhere between San Francisco and Hawaii.

Chris Parry with the California Coastal Commission in San Francisco said the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch, has been growing a brisk rate since the 1950s, The San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday. The trash stew is 80 percent plastic and weighs more than 3.5 million tons. "At this point, cleaning it up isn't an option," Parry said. "It's just going to get bigger as our reliance on plastics continues." Parry said using canvas bags to cart groceries instead of using plastic bags is a good first step to reducing reliance on plastics, the newspaper said.

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