Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Sunday Morning Muse, March 4, 2011

It's a sunrise over the cat's head as she sits in front of the window. It's all about perspective.

Numerous and massive tornadoes these past few days. Heartbreaking pictures on TV showing whole towns wiped out, neighbors pitching in to help neighbors, and emergency crews searching for survivors. And the obligatory interview with the person in front of a mobile home, alive, he said, thanks to "the Grace of God."

Others must not have had his grace this week. At last count 37 dead.

Which leads me to today's muse...does God really control the weather?

A quick search on this important question of course yielded several Bible references. The Great Flood, various droughts as punishment for something or another, and also the conclusion that weather used to be  "good" until  man sinned. Blame "Eve" and that apple again.

There was the Greek God Zeus interfering with the weather in ancient times. His nicknames included "The Thunderer" and the "Cloud Gatherer." Even though he was the most important God of his day, I never hear Zeus mentioned much by name anymore except on Jeopardy! questions. If he is still affecting the weather, he is not taking much blame for it these days.

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