Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Sunday Morning Muse, May 6, 2012

Sunday morning is shining through the window as I finish up my second cup of coffee. A woodpecker for some reason is pounding away at the gutter above my window, and although it is amusing to the cat, I must put an end to it. (Pause, hit window, gone)

I'm reading a book called "Suddenly Psychic." It is not what I thought it would be. It was in a bunch of old books my sister was donating to the Salvation Army. Since I'm short of reading material lately, (still re-reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth, a nice manual on Trigger Point Therapy, and Wayne Dyer's Wisdom of the Ages), I thought I'd just flip through it while I drank a beer in the sun and take a break. Light reading, as you will.

This wasn't light reading. It was scientific approach to things like getting to the alpha state through the Hemi-Sync method, remote viewing and even remote healing. This is where it got kind of far out to me, when the author attempted to remote heal her cat's kidney problems by imagining herself filtering the cat's blood. (Since I know you will never read this book, I'll give you the spoiler. The little cat wasn't healed, but he did fare pretty well in his last few months. (He was only given days to live when her therapy with him began.)

I'd be the first to admit I'm in awe of the brain and any potential unleashed power that lies within. Science unravels more and more secrets of the brain all the time as we understand how memory works, what parts of the brain affect our senses, emotions, and even how people use their brain to defy pain or reprogram their "wiring" after severe injuries to gain back some of their losses.

Brain function versus mind function are two separate things though. The idea of consciousness. I feel certain that Sweet Pea is conscious, but I don't know if she has a conscience. She steals Sambo's food and I don't think she feels the least bit guilty about it.

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