Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Sunday Morning Muse, November 25, 2012

A light snow is falling and it is a bit foggy. It's here. Winter. The Christmas music is already blaring away in the house. Every time I hear Bruce Springsteen's Santa Claus is Coming to Town, I get a little sad thinking of Clarence Clemons who died in 2011.

I love the classic Christmas music, but not so much the "remakes" that play endlessly in stores. I can do without the rap versions, too.

 Right now "I Want a Hippotamus for Christmas" in on. If I never hear that again all season, I won't be too sad either.

I used to work in radio and I can remember us having to unofficially "ban" "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." There were "live" DJs back then and regular listeners would call us a million times for that song. And if you played it, then others would call and say they just missed it, and could you play it again?  And if you didn't, they were smart enough to wait until the next DJ came on and talk them into playing it. Or they would just keep calling back asking when it would be on again. So for awhile we just told people we didn't have it. It was simpler that way.

I remember someone offering to buy it for us so we could play it.

Radio sure has changed since then.

Sad, really.

Support whatever "live" local stations that are left.

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