Sunday, September 21, 2008

Elite, Part Two

John and Cindy McCain: 13 cars
Barack and Michelle Obama: 1 car
source: Newsweek


What have we learned? Last time out we learned that multiple homes, being married to the Anheuser-Busch fortune, and having millions of dollars does not make John McCain elite.

Keep in mind that Cindy McCain's worth has been estimated at $100 million. All that beer has given McCain the fruits of wealthy lifestyle.... i.e. private jets, vacation homes, and those 13 cars -- even if the millions remain in her name--- but he is not elite. (Kept, maybe?)....

Spending 26 years in Washington government circles, didn't make him elite. Just ask him. He's not elite.... that other guy is. The one with one car, who came from modest means and managed to get a degree from Harvard.

Isn't all this silly?

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