Monday, September 5, 2011

Here's that Rainy Day

As much as I love the sun, I love that occasional rainy,even dreary, day. I've got the blinds wide open to try to bring in any bit of daylight into this room and the sky looks like a muddy canvas. I remember in art class one day when the Prof. described my canvas in just the same way. Muddy. It stuck with me.
It was an oil painting, and I was painting "sky." But it wasn't a sunny day.I looked at the sky and it had so many shades of color in it, but you couldn't call it blue...I starting mixing black with it to get a dark gray....then more white here and there. The sky looked muddy. It was awful. I needed a good lesson in "painting with a broad brush." Just go with it. Don't fuss over every nuance. Pick a color and go with it...look for lights and darks...squint if you have to in order to see it....but don't fuss.
Rainy days are good days for old movies. Good days to clean the basement.Bake cinnamon rolls. Put on a good beef stew. Stuff you don't have time for when the sun is shining in early September.
Enjoy the rainy day. And remember....don't fuss.

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