Thursday, September 15, 2011

Strange Days, Indeed

This is my second stream of consciousness stand back it could get scary. So many things going on. I was about to sit down with my nice arsenic flavored apple juice, but I figured I better not take a chance and reached for the Peter Straub's Special Dark instead.
That's better. And no sugar, no salt or preservatives in it.
Okay. One of the best quotes that came across my desk this week was something like, "Don't be so quick to diagnose yourself with depression or low self could be you are just surrounded by butt holes." (only it was't 'butt')
Funny. I hadn't heard that one before. But it does seem like there are more and more out there.
The whole Spongebob study thing this week made news. I got a kick out of Reg's column on it. I like him more and more. He is a good reality check sometimes. Great humor. Personally I feel slower paced programming is more age appropriate for four year olds. Hell, it's probably better for me, too. Maybe I'm getting old, but I have a hard time keeping up with some of the fast paced know what I mean... the action scenes that flip from one thing to another in quick succession....varying points of view...three D for Chrissakes... I see why kids have ADD. And I don't even play the wild video games they have now.
Let the little ones stay with Mr. Rogers for awhile...learn to put their sweater on. Tie their shoes.
Play with dolls. Use their imagination. Their world will take on a fast pace soon enough.

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