He puts the Goober in Gubernatorial. Rick Perry. A bad debater? Hell, just skip the debates. Notices Cain's 9-9-9 plan get's a lot of air time and thinks maybe some similar gimmick like this will pull in votes. Well-- just pull out a card...any card...step right up. Put your name on it, write a check and thar ya go. That's MY tax plan. And if you don't like it...well, uh, just keep doin' what yur doin'.
Are there no credible Republican candidates out there? This whole debate thing has become reality television, in the sense it is something to make fun of rather than consider part of a deliberate political process. The world is watching now. Fledgling democracies out there.
Bachmann is a joke, Cain isn't educated about politics enough to understand the very nuances that everyday bloggers understand simply by paying attention to what is going on. In his blunders this past week he doesn't seem to "get" you can't court the far right prolifers and at the same time say it isn't government's business what a woman decides. Huh uh. Doesn't fly. Both sides end up thinking you are against them. Or a complete imbecile.
Mitt. Seems like a nice guy with a lot of money but he is like this straw man....bending and changing his opinions as he is called down on them. Don't get me wrong, I actually hate the word flip flopper. I personally think that when people learn and grow and find out new things they OUGHT to be able to change their opinion. I just know that whether it is on healthcare or union rights or any other hot topic out there, we need someone who at least understands what is at stake on all sides of the argument. And not just shouting out what the fringe people want to here. What I hate about past Republican leadership (or lack thereof) is that sense that everything is black and white...for us or against us. How they have tried to make compromise a bad word. It is disgusting, and very low minded. Not to mention unproductive. You guys can do better.
I wasn't even going to mention Rick Santorum, but I must- just incase people aren't paying attention out there. He is so far out there in the planets that he doesn't "get" we have 7 billion people on this earth already. Many of them starving, or without access to clean water. The last thing we need is a nutburger trying to keep people from using contraception.