Saturday, December 3, 2011

On Being Cocky

Kinky Friedman once said, if you have a choice between being cocky and being humble, always pick cocky. There will be plenty of time to be humble later when everything goes horribly wrong. Then you won't get the chance to be cocky.
That pretty much describes the rise and fall of Herman Cain. Today is the day of his "big announcement," according to the media. He plans to say whether the Cain Train has derailed. I suspect it was a long night at the Cain house last night. The self proclaimed soft-hearted man probably engaged in a very thoughtful conversation with is wife about his secret, very troubled friend.
And now the spotlight falls on Newt. I won't even delve into the sexploits of New Booty-Newty and his tendency to trade up on wives and dump them for newer models when they get sick. Nor the 300 thousand in fines in ethics violations, and all his other baggage. Lobbyist? He isn't a lobbyist...he is an Historian. That's worth millions of dollars. I guess you could say he is an historian, because he is trying to rewrite history.
But here we go. I wish I had his million dollar credit line at Tiffany's. At least the jewelry is portable....for the next time Newt "trades" up. He married a smartie.


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