Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Sunday Morning Muse, December 18, 2011

 No sunrise today...just a dusty snowfall on the rooftops with lots of cloud cover.  I watched a Jon Stewart/Christopher Hitchens clip from the Daily Show back in 2005, talking about the Iraq war. The site has a few interviews up with Hitchens because of his passing this week. I enjoyed hearing these two men talking about their positions. Funny how a truly intellectual discussion about the war, a real discussion, not platitudes and talking points splattered about, is actually on a Comedy Channel.
The war is over now. In time for Christmas. Cue up John Lennon. I lament the loss of life, and the huge cost. It is time to move on. And I don't mean to the "next" war.
I ventured into the stores yesterday. Don't think big mall, think local stores. Don't get me wrong, I like to shop, but mostly I like it better when I go in and know exactly what I want to get someone. Not aimlessly float around. I waste so much time. I was distracted by space heaters of all things. Didn't actually buy one, and went through each and every one trying to find something for the porch. I lost a lot of time doing that. 
And instead of wrapping things when I got home, I managed to devote a good hour looking up all kinds of tabloid articles on the Van Morrison/Gigi Lee/Love Child headlines. The story gets sadder and sadder. From it's bizarre beginning two years ago with the birth of a child. To the cancer death of the mother, and now, this weekend actually, the world finds out the baby died eleven months ago. All this without a word.

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