Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Sunday Morning Muse, December 11, 2011

A cold Sunday morning with smoke coming out of chimneys all across the valley. Today I'll just do a quick mental rundown of things which crossed my life in some way this week. First off, I read Christopher Hitchens latest column, Trial of the Will, dated for January in Vanity Fair. Compelling reading, to say the least. He re-examines the notion that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I look at the phrase in a whole new way now. Hitchens, in a life or death struggle with cancer, still summoning up the strength to write. It's because that is who he is.
A close family member had a heart attack this week. He is a miracle of modern science already with two shoulders replaced, a knee...several back surgeries, a prior bypass surgery. A six million dollar man. His record shows his ability to fight back. To see him he still looks every bit the truck driver he once was, retired now. He is big in my thoughts today.
Politics seemed less important this week. It's like I've become bored of the circus acts and am watching the crowd instead. The crowd yesterday in Moscow on the news, estimated at twenty five thousand! The people are upset with Putin, and determined to expose election fraud. People speaking out in Russia...against the Government. Wow. I think this brings the whole Arab Spring concept to an entirely different realm. The "internets" and I phones and all this technology has let the horses out of the barn. The oppression of people, the control of people...that dominated so many nations/cultures is reaching a critical point.
Entropy...increasing state of disorder, is a concern, as the world economy is not in great shape. Everywhere change is occurring that will play out in ways no one can really predict right now.
Scary, but exciting stuff.

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