Saturday, January 21, 2012

Taking a Peak at Reality

Curiouser and curiouser how this country picks a Republican Presidential candidate. Here is just a sampling of the stuff I've read this week that boggles my mind. None of this is boring political stuff. I'm not seeing long drawn out stories about economic policy, or an appreciation of the nuances of foreign policy. Replete with graphs and maps.

Front and center in the public square are no debates about real, thought out ideas on how to get us out of the economic mess we are in. No job creation strategy nonsense.

It's all about the DIRT.

Who are these guys?.... like who is the serial cheater,(the one who decided that "in sickness and in health" really shouldn't be part of any marriage ceremony he finds himself in), or who's great grandfather had multiple wives (at the same time) and had 30 children in Mexico? Who is stashing  between 7 million and 32 million dollars in the Cayman Islands ...oh no, not to avoid taxes. The money likes to be warm. It is nice to visit the money there. Hold up, wait a sec. BETWEEN  Seven an 32 Million? Can you narrow it down a bit? A million here or there...

Which candidate's wife had a long time affair with an "abortion doctor?" Egads....Incase you don't peek, It's Tricky Rick Santorum. The one who doesn't believe in birth control.  Irony is such a beautiful thing.

Kinky Friedman said it best in an interview on NPR.

"My definition of politics: 'poly' means more than one, and ticks are bloodsucking parasites," Friedman says. He says he doesn't really like Colbert's humor. But he says at least Colbert is taking risks, so Colbert has Friedman's endorsement for president of the United States. "Of course he does," says Friedman. "That's why we need Stephen Colbert in there — to stir things up, to be a troublemaker. I very much approve of that. That's what Jesus was."
That's an analogy that would doubtless please candidate Stephen Colbert.

What's the Evangelicals to do? Stay home and sip tea. Perhaps reflect on civility, and decency and family values and all the ideas that are so scarce these days. Go look for Ward Cleaver and see if he and June would be interested in serving in the White House? Beaver would love it.

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