Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rushing Things, But That's Ok

Shamrock shakes are out already. I had one yesterday and we are still 10 days away from Valentines Day. But then again there is no Valentine's Shake. Probably should be.  Like a strawberry one with lots of whipped cream and that gorgeous but not so great tasting maraschino cherry on top.

I googled that cherry and they don't grow like that on trees.(Not that I thought they did, but I was curious how they did get that way.) Suffice to say it's a process. A lot of work involving dyes and brine.

They always remind me of college with the old gag about being to tie the stem into a knot with your tongue.

Anyhow, spring can't be too far behind, with shamrock shakes out. It's like seeing the first robin.

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