Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Morning Muse, February 5, 2012

Staring down at my English muffin with toast and jelly, and taking a sip of coffee. It's Sunday. Don't have to mindlessly stuff it down, drink it up and fly through the morning routine. I can actually taste the coffee today. And even though I've eaten it for a week now, the "Christmas" jelly on the toast is really excellent. Locally made. Musing about food.

The number one search on Yahoo right now is "chicken wings." What would we all be eating on Superbowl Sunday if someone didn't come up with chicken wings? In the interest of clarity, I'm not eating chicken wings today, I'm eating a version of chicken fingers. Another fine invention, but without the bones. And I won't need fancy sauce recipes as long as Sweet Baby Ray continues to line store shelves.

My small personal world is so much saner than what is going on out in the vast world out there. Boring, but sane. Predictable. Even Cozy for now. Yeah, as in not much happening, but no disaster ahead I can see. And that's not bad thing.

The mindless political diggy doo that passes for news has been trumped (pardon the pun) a bit by the chaos in Syria, the troubling times under Putin in Russia, and the crazy winter madness in Europe. (Minus 40 degrees in Finland!) The best for last:  the "sabre rattling" of the Jews and Iran, which has the potential to be a fine powder keg unless cooler heads prevail.

THIS is reality television. The trials and tribulations of the entire world dumped into our we mull over Superbowl squares and munch on snacks and drink cold beer.  A strange juxtaposition. The battles of good and evil, right and wrong, man versus weather....that'll still be there tomorrow. For's chicken! And the Superbowl.

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