Saturday, November 24, 2007

Naked Beowulf 101

When I agreed to go see Beowulf, the only thing I knew about the movie was what I remembered from the epic poem we studied in High School English Class:
* Beowulf kills Grendel and Grendel's mother gets revenge.
This didn't add up to much for me, but I went anyway. The digitally enhanced Beowulf.... a barely recognizable Ray Winstone with six pack abs, embodied everything a superhero should be. And he faught Grendel naked. Grendel's Mother? A very recognizable, and naked, Angelina Jolie. What brought the hideous monster Grendel-- an evil super-ugly, bloody gory pus filled wretch of a creature-- to the new Mead hall? Sounds of boisterous, lustful, drunken men partying with busty, drunken women.
Do you see the pattern here?
Perhaps if all the boring high school literature classes could be modified to include naked superheroes with computer generated monsters to fight, more kids would learn the classics. I say that in jest. Don't take the kids to this one.

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