Wednesday, November 28, 2007

God Speaks Again.... (but not to me)

And no, He didn't speak to George Bush again. He spoke to none other than Richard Roberts, who headed up Oral Roberts University. Reference this Sunday Morning Muse I posted about his last conversation with God in October, where God told this religious shyster we live in a "litigious" society and to fight the allegations against him. (There is a lawsuit accusing him of using university money on lavish shopping sprees, buying a stable of horses, paying for a daughter to travel to the Bahamas aboard the university jet, and let's not forget the 800 dollar cell phone bills for his wife's alleged underage boyfriends.)

Well apparently God change his mind. He told Roberts to resign. Actually, to hear Roberts tell it, God insisted.

On Wednesday, Roberts said God told him he would "do something supernatural for the university," if he stepped down from the job he held at the 5,700-student school since 1993.
I'm offended by this story on so many levels:

1. If God talks to George Bush and to Richard Roberts why won't he talk to the leaders of the Israelis and the Palestinians and help resolve their problems? Certainly a much more worthwhile conversation?

2. If God bargains with religious shysters who misuse funds gathered in His name, to promote His work, what does that say about God?

3. If God is so concerned about our litigious society, why doesn't he talk to the judge instead of insisting old Richard drop his fight against the allegations against him? I'm sure whatever the result of a court fight, any judge could be swayed to agree with God if God would just talk to him.

4.If God really did offer to "do something supernatural" for the University, yet he hasn't intervened so far with a cure for AIDS or Cancer, what party trick could he really have in mind?

I'll quit for now, I'm too worked up. Wake up people.

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