Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Sunday Morning Muse, August 24, 2008

The last weekend before Labor Day Weekend. Do you feel that urge to grab onto the last few days of summer and NOT LET GO... Like.. WAIT... I didn't get to do all those things I said I was gonna do.... WAIT.. COME BACK!
Today is the rite of passage for the airconditioner. Back to the garage. The hose will be out a while longer... and yes, I still have the one with the hole in it that went wild with water pressure and sprayed me all over when I was scaring off the groundhog. I've held my finger over that hole all summer...waiting for hoses to go on sale to buy a new one. Not another cheap one, but a real hose that doesn't kink up... EVERY TIME.
I picked blueberries for the last time yesterday. I hope that all the blueberries I ate this summer stay in my system a long time... I can just feel those antioxidants racing around in me, protecting me from all kinds of illnesses. Speaking of which, it'll be flu shot time soon. The news went out this week that this flu shot will be better than last year's (which I didn't get) that didn't do much at all. I'll probably pass on it again this year. I know, people say you can't get the flu from the flu shot, but it's an anecdotal thing. Everyone knows someone who GOT SICK after getting a flu shot. I know at least three. Maybe not real sick, or deathly sick, but none the less, they didn't feel well. You know. Because You Know People like this.
Two more groundhogs have showed up. They may get a pass, too. We'll see. They've already gotten to most of the sunflowers and I don't care about the beans anymore. I'm beaned out.
So that's it today. One more week of summer. Take a few days off if you can and enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

Two things: you are giving up on Summer way to fast and secondly, flu shot, not so bad. I get it yearly and it has definately saved me from some nasty bugs going around in Winter. Ciao

M.J. said...

I saw the picture in the paper of your son. He has your smile. :)