Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Sunday Morning Muse, August 31, 2008

Gag Alert.
I've already seen that image of Sarah Palin holding a gun 10 times. And that Down's Syndrome baby? Heard the story at least 6 times and she was only nominated on Friday. I may have to impose a TV blackout until the election. I feel really sick. It's about images over substance. Period. And my stomach can't take it. Can things get any lower?
Why not nominate me!! I'm from a swing state and I have a Bachelor's degree! (I didn't win any beauty contests, but I clean up good!) Shucks. Hey.... how about you handle all that foreign policy..... like wars, and the Mideast... and that Taliban thing, and I'll just be your Erin Brockovich and toss my hair, balance that baby on my hip, point a gun with my other hand, and go after corruption.
All women should be insulted. This is one former Hillary supporter who "gets" it. McCain must think that women are interchangeable... just put one out there and we'll vote for her, to hell with what we really believe in and what Hillary championed and worked so hard for.Does he think we are that stupid? And the obvious pandering for the single issue gun votes and single issue anti-abortion votes at the expense of the possible future leadership of this country.
And poor Lieberman. That lead balloon fell pretty hard. It would have been a maverick choice.
But it's back to Guns and God....
Shame on you McCain.

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