Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Sunday Morning Muse, December 14, 2008

Quid pro quo. One hand washes the other. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. This is pretty much the way the system works. A slight nod and a wink. The deal is sealed.
No, it's not pretty. People don't flaunt it. Unless they possess a degree of hubris that lands them in front of the cameras. That's what happened to Governor Bad Hair of Illinois.
Backroom deals, politicking for votes, for money, for jobs... sounds like your average day in Congress actually. Who doesn't believe that legislator's votes aren't heavily influenced by people who donate money to them? But somewhere is this line people are talking about. Kinda like the ones on the TV when football is on. People cross over them all the time... unnoticed. But then, some plays are more important than others and the cameras are watching... and now it's up close and personal on the big screen. THERE is the foot.... CROSSING ... OVER THE LINE.

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