Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not With a Bang But a Whimper

So... two days to go. Unless you have been on another planet this past week, you probably heard that some idiot who actually has airtime and a lot of followers has calculated that the end of the world as we know it will happen this Saturday. He's predicted this before and has been wrong, but what could he really do but go back to the drawing board, sharpen his pencil and recalculate? I suspect this Sunday he will be back on the air with some other prediction.
This whole rapture idea fascinates some people. Books have been written, movies and such. Personally I think there is a better chance of mankind blowing itself up with nukes than there ever being a rapture. But that's just me.
I'm more curious about the idiot and his faithful and what they will do on Sunday, when the birds chirp and the sun (not the SON) rises, and all is as it the merry month in May. With a heck of a lot of rain.
Will they be disappointed? Relieved? Hard to tell. But I'm not giving it any more thought.

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