Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Sunday Morning Muse, May 1, 2011

Soon to be Saint John Paul II was beatified today with one miracle down, and one to go.

A place of honor was reserved for Sister Marie Simon-Pierre Normand, a French nun who suffered from Parkinson's disease but whose inexplicable cure has been attributed to John Paul's intercession with God to perform a miracle, thus permitting the beatification to go ahead.


The Vatican will have to attribute another miracle to John Paul's intercession after the beatification in order for him to be declared a saint.

But wait! The nun wasn't cured until TWO MONTHS AFTER THE POPE'S DEATH. It doesn't seem quite right to me that we didn't hear of any great miracles from him while he lived. And curing a nun from Parkinson's while he is dead, well...that's disingenuous don't you think? Really can't prove that.


The deceased Polish Pope has been in his crypt these five years. They dug him up from his eternal rest under St. Peter's Basilica and put his coffin on display for awhile for visitors. Judging by the size of the crowd in Italy awaiting this event, a lot of folks are pretty happy about all this. I never had a problem with John Paul II. During his reign, he travelled all over the world. He was accessible. He had a Pope Mobile. He just exuded such a love and reverence. I saw a TV movie about him that really gave a lot of insight into his personal life and history. It is easy to see why people love him so much and are pulling for his Sainthood.


But... and I ask this out of pure ignorance...if you had a choice between eternal rest, and constantly, and uh, eternally, having to "intercede" with God to beg for favors, what would you pick? And if God was all knowing, he'd know which hard luck cases you would want to intercede in before you did, right? So the point of all this is...


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