Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Sunday Morning Muse, July 29th 2012

So much fog outside today I can't see the bridge in the distance or even the trees and houses across the valley. I'm living in a fog. Hmmm. Little Sambo is here with me. Sleeping on the desk with her head upside down, like cats do sometimes. No interest in looking out the window today. Nothing really to see.

Another week of summer is gone. The welcome rains this week made me happy (especially since I have no storm damage), and the greener grass makes me think we are going back to June.... although I know a hot August lies ahead and the green-ness may soon change back to brown-ness rather quickly. The blueberries are almost past their peak, still so many to pick though. They were small this year, despite half hearted attempts semi-weekly to carry buckets of water up the hill to put on the roots. Just not enough rain.

 I am juggling a lot lately, so I try to limit any daily outrage that uses up energy and puts me in a bad mood. That is why I'm not ranting today about the Voter ID law. I actually ranted quite a bit about it this week to anyone within earshot and I'm in overload mode, so I'll suffice to add a link here to Sally Kalson who said it better than I could without using four letter words.  On a personal note I have a disabled, elderly mother, so this issue hits me in the gut. The logistical issues alone for the handicapped and older people should postpone this needless law at the very least. Though I think the blatant politics behind it should stop it cold. Thank you ACLU for taking it to court.

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