Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Rant for Tonight

Bubble headed bleach blondes in red dresses are certainly not in short supply at Fox News. My streak continues. I have walked into a room when Fox is on six times in a row now and there was a Barbie or a Fembot front and center. In bright red.
At some point the network will ban clothes on women all together. It will come to that eventually.
Also... Rolling Stone this month has a great expose on Fox and Roger Ailes. You could never read the whole thing it is so long, but scanning it will give you great insight as to how indoctrinated their talking points are, spread throughout the day. Republican talking points....first light hearted with happy talk on the morning show...sprinkled as very pointed questions in the news...and on the endless talking head loop throughout the day and night to ensure the branding of them into the public awareness. Then add in the fear factor and you have your very own manufactured outrage.
I can't be in the same room with Fox for longer than six seconds without the gag reflex kicking in and getting totally ticked off over something. I watched the now famous visit from Jon Stewart on the Chris Wallace show online and that is the longest I have watched anything on Fox ever. Stewart had to really dumb down some concepts to get to Wallace's level. This isn't a partisan bias. It is an intellectual bias. Good comedy takes a good brain. Mark Twain and Will Rogers. Satirists have the difficult job of not only understanding the political stuff, but ferreting out the incongruous, and making it palatable to the masses. Maybe even funny. Chris doesn't get that. He hates South Park. I see why. Jon Stewart "gets" that Wallace is lacking what it takes to appreciate that type of humor.
He's not a bad guy, Wallace. Certainly Hannity and Beck and the rest of the really crazy ones have their agendas and Chris is trying to do a decent job. But he reminds me of the kid who got his lunch stolen or would get wedgies at school. Now he is grown up and he has to prove himself somehow. With the ever watchful eye of Ailes always upon him....

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