Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Sunday Morning Muse, September 16, 2007

I turned the furnace on last night. Each year I try to wait until October 1st, but that didn't happen this year. It's surely a financial thing-- no one wants to pay a gas bill for September that is high, but it is also a mental thing. Winter looms. (Fall is soooooo short.)

When the furnace awakes from summer sleep it is never happy. You get a horrid smell from whatever the furnace burns off that stinks. Then you wonder if it really is going to start up again, and .... just like that, it does. I live in an old house with what I call my World War Two Era furnace. Not the most efficient, it tends to heat up to the Bowels of Hell, then shut off and not erupt again until you feel a bit "chilly."

Oh, there will still be plenty of golf. I'll be losing balls in the fairway, hidden under the fallen leaves. I"m ready for fall sweaters, pumpkins and corn mazes, the latest Halloween costumes and that cool, crisp autumn air when you walk outside. Perhaps Indian Summer ahead.

But.... the furnace is awake now. And the air conditioner is asleep in the garage.

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