Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Exorcist Versus the Quake of ' 08

I'm sure by now you've heard of the midwest Earthquake this past week. But I bet amidst all the accounts of cupboards shaking, and windows rattling, and folks who were afraid to enter skyscrapers you have not heard an account as thrilling as this one by my friend in Chicago. A stream of consciousness that would make the hardiest of beatniks cringe.
Too funny. Your first thought was Linda Blair?

Graphic: (The Avatar I made of Suki in Chi-town.)
She also got me started on Haiku this weekend. Now I'm addicted.
Special Delivery

Present on the porch.
The cat ate the rabbit's head,
Left the rest for me.

Face in the Crowd

Without my glasses
I thought he was good looking,
Turns out he is not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Face in the crowd" makes me laaaaugh.