Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Midweek Video Muse without Video of Bill Clinton

Sometimes you just want to live in the moment, and quit futzing with technology.

It is a rare opportunity to see a President up close, and I took advantage of it today. I'd love to say after seeing former President Bill Clinton speak in my hometown, that I took a wonderful photograph of him, something frame-worthy. One I could hang here in my room; admire it for years. Tell somebody's grandchildren about it someday.

Or that my short video clips are worthy of a CNN soundbyte... or at least a YouTube upfeed.

But this is about as good as it gets. There are many reasons why this isn't really a prize photo, but mostly it's because I just kept pointing and shooting without taking time to focus, not worrying about the horrible lighting. Then I tried to take video now and then and--- because I was actually trying to listen to what the man had to say, I was never really sure when I had the video ON or not. So I have these wild pictures of the floor and feet --and music blasting.... but actually very little of the man himself. I'm sorry about that.

But I did enjoy his speech a lot.

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