Friday, April 4, 2008

Good Night Irene

There's a new study out that shows an extra hour of sleep each night may help you lose weight... Okay, I'll bite...


"More sleep could be the ideal way of stabilising weight or slimming," said neuro-scientist Karine Spiegel, of France's INSERM, a public organisation dedicated to biological, medical and public health research.

While poor eating habits and lack of exercise clearly play a role in the global rise of obesity, recent data indicates that lack of sleep may also be a factor, and one that is often under-estimated.


Although I read the article twice, I didn't see what I believe to be the obvious reason for this link between weight loss and more sleep: YOU CAN'T EAT WHEN YOU ARE ASLEEP!!!!
But I'm glad I found the study anyway. I'm going to bed early tonight. If I stay in bed all weekend, I figure I'll wake up on Monday a size 5.

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