Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Sunday Morning Muse, February 22, 2009

This is my 80th Sunday Morning Muse. Today it's all about music. Things just coming together. Leonard Cohen was in New York... V*n M&rrison coming next weekend. I won't make either concert...but it doesn't matter. I still can be a part of it. I've watched some of Leonard's tour in snippets on the internet. And I've read about it in Rolling Stone. Thrilled that he is out there... ringing the bells, as he puts it. He is actually singing old stuff like Famous Blue Raincoat, Closing Time, and Hey That's No Way to Say Goodbye. It makes me smile. No music like old music.
Along that vein, everything old is new again for V*n Mor&rison, too. His first album, Astral Weeks, which was deemed so groundbreaking in the 1970s, is back on center stage as V*n releases a "live" version hopefully this week...and I pre-ordered my copy. Astral Weeks was my old boyfriend Joey's favorite...and I struggled so hard back then to find something nice to say about it. I loved everything else Joey and I listened to...and he was patient. Just smiled at me, as if to tell me I just wasn't ready for it yet. He said that about the album Common One, too. I didn't like that one at first either.... then something clicked and I "got it." I'll never part with it,now.
Music is like that. :)
Maybe it's the former DJ in me but I love just sitting around playing "do you remember...."
because it is amazing what you forget. And it's fun. There's this guy I know that whenever I see him we try to stump each other. Today it was Black Oak Arkansas. I threw another name right back at him....Spooky Tooth. Last time I saw him he said "It's A Beautiful Day." And I was stumped. Never heard of them. Until he started singing their song, "White Bird..... in a golden cage....."
I knew the song, of course. But he GOT me. I would have never guessed the name of the group was It's A Beautiful Day."

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