Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Sunday Morning Muse, February 8, 2009

Screw bi-partisanship. It ain't gonna work. If I were advising President Obama, I'd say, Nice Try, but screw them. Put your best plan together, get your votes in line, and go for it.

Some things haven't changed since the Wild West. It will always be Us versus Them. I know this, because I will never be "with Them." Because I'm with "Us." The people who voted in Barack Obama.

I'm sick to death of the Hannitys, Becks, Rushs and other pontificating jerks spouting talking points. Bring out the real economists. People who know. PLEASE. SOMEONE to talk about how to get our country out of this mess.

Let's be honest. The Repuglicans can nitpick and potshot and whine and moan about any letter in anyword on anypage of that 700 page bill. Then they'll still vote no, because they can't let you, the Democrat, actually solve the crisis a Republican administration left us. Because it would mean.... another TERM.
That's the gig. That's the story. It's all about power. Always will be.

And of course there will never be enough "tax cuts," for all their rich buddies.

(We saw how well THAT strategy worked under W.)

So Screw them.

Pass the damn bill.

Stop the bleeding.

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