Saturday, August 6, 2011

Links and Things of Interest Today

I'm all about finding new features for this blog and liven things up a bit. Yesterday was the stream of consciousness thing, and today is the debut of "Links.." I'll share links of different places I visited on the Internet today, and thus spread infinite knowledge.
This is an amusing little find. Rick Perry's college transcript. Quite a few C's and D's on there. My personal favorites are the 'D' in Shakespeare , the 'C' in History of the US, and the 'D'
in Principles of Economics. Okay, I'll forgive him the lack of knowledge of To Be or Not to Be, as I figure he is a "Not to Be" anyway. As for the others I cited, if only he were a Democrat this would be the headline for weeks on Faux News. That said, you don't need brains to run for President, you just need money. So now you know.
Cat-World was a helpful link today. Sambo was crying out quite a bit, and suddenly decided she didn't want to use her litterbox, instead she wanted to use Sweet Pea's. Sixty-six dollars later, I have cat antibiotic in my fridge next to the jello, and cat stool softener on the counter. Also a not- happy-to-take-medicine black cat who is hiding from me. She is doing better, though.

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