Saturday, May 10, 2008

Two Bug's Sagas, and a Lobster

I'm not a fan of bugs. Few people are. But two separate bugs crossed my path and met very different fates. A junebug was on the floor near the door when I came into work yesterday. It was upside down and in obvious trouble with it's little legs flailing. With easily 10 - 15 people using that hallway on a given morning, I feared someone would step on it. But, and I don't know why, I DIDN'T STOP. Three hours later, I walked to the door, and there he was again. Same spot. It's not like anyone could miss him, but no one did anything to help him or kill him. I got a file and let him crawl up and I carried him outside.

This morning, half awake, no contacts, no coffee yet, I went to pour water in the sink and.... YIKES a centipede! Instant panic. Turn the water on real fast, try to drown him, he's crawling, oh no... don't let him get on the counter and run into the wall crack under the window! Panic! Looking around... paper towel... split second decision... I can't do this! But there is no one else HERE! Grab... squish!!! now what? Is it really dead? Do I want to risk it? Can it live without a few legs...just keep going.....

So I flung the balled up paper towel onto the porch. Survival of the fittest.

(Irony of all this is that I ate an African lobster tail last night. Delicious. But I only ate the white meat already taken out of the big part of the shell...and I didn't pick around. All those little legs bothered me. As a matter of fact, they are somewhat similiar to that creature in my sink! Sure enough, I looked it up, centipedes are distant relatives of lobsters.)

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