Friday, January 2, 2009

Coming Up on Two Years Old

Hard to believe I started The Goosepath just about two years ago. Now over 550 posts later I'm still out here typing away. For those of you who have stuck with me, I admire your loyalty. I'm not sure what reading this does for you, but for me it's a way to keep in touch, spread the word, share my world, bitch about some things, show off, and get the last word.
I'd like to think at least one of you bought a book I liked, or heard music you would never have heard before. I don't start out trying to change anyone's mind about anything. Just shine a light...with regard to politics, art, philosophy, religion, relationships, anything really.
Highs and lows. First the low... I miss posting some of Van Morrison's music. I really wanted to share my thoughts and feelings on how great his songs are. Now, under threats from the Web Share-iff (purposely spelled wrong to avoid searches)I don't share Van, or even listen to him at all much anymore. I lost interest. After thirteen years of buying CDs, reading books and listening to his concerts.
As for Highs... hearing from people is fun. Getting feedback. Also, and I don't mean this to be self serving, but just putting something out there. For anyone to read.
It's a thrill. It's a small way of contributing to the planet. Maybe sparking something. Who knows? The creative spirit works in mysterious ways... but the internet is the closest thing to the collective consciousness that Jung wrote about.
So, keep that bookmark. I'll be around for awhile. Thanks for your support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep on keepin' on, sister.